Federal COVID-19 Legislation: What do they mean for nonprofits?

Wednesday, April 29, 2020
9:00 am4:30 pm

Presenter: Do Good Better Consulting
Cost: $99 nonmember; $79 NDANO member with Promo code (Promo code can be found on the Members-Only Portal)


Fundraising is hard. Finding trainings that are applicable in the real world and figuring out how to use them without unlimited staff and budget is even harder. So Do Good Better Consulting set out to create a fundraising conference that empowers those who fight “other duties as assigned” in order to do the one thing they love: telling stories and building relationships with donors.

But recently, the world turned on it's collective head - and COVID-19 has thrown nonprofits for a loop. Uncertainty in uncharted territory has fundraising leaders needing help, direction, motivation and the tools to get through this global pandemic.

In person events, for the forseeable future, are on hold. And nonprofits need help NOW - not in July as originally planned.

So Do Good Better Consulting made a massive pivot - and are producing this event online.

Not only can they reach more individuals who are looking for answers but Do Good Better Consulting added incredible speakers, and amazing perks to help support local restaurants, small businesses, artists and musicians!

Supporting Others!

Each person that registers will have lunch delivered to them from a locally owned restaurant to help make sure to support those small businesses that are struggling as much as nonprofits are. Upon registration, you'll be sent a list of restaurants they are partnering up with to select a lunch item, delivered to you (they're including a tip!) in time for you to watch the Keynote Panel, Ladybosses of the Nonprofit World.

Additionally, Do Good Better Consulting is supporting local (and regional!) artists and musicians who will perform in between speakers. They encourage you to support them by providing direct links to their sites to donate, buy or connect on how you can help.

Conference Registration that includes:

  • Access to the live digital event that includes speakers, local artists & musicians, and more
  • Lunch delivered to your home or office from a locally owned restaurant
  • Access to our virtual happy-hour concert and virtual social
  • Downloadable e-book with conference materials

NDANO offers live in-person and online learning opportunities for nonprofits, often with partners. Members receive discounted rates on all NDANO events. All times are Central unless otherwise indicated.

Do you have a learning opportunity or event for North Dakota nonprofits to add to our calendar? Email NDANO with the details.