Data Maturity: How to Keep Improving Your Approach to Data

Thursday, November 30, 2017
12:00 pm1:00 pm

Presenter: Idealware
Cost: Free

Data can feel confusing or intimidating because the examples we see are often very advanced. It's like watching Wimbledon and expecting to become a world class tennis player the next day. Even if you're young and expectionally athletic, it will take time and a lot of practice to get good—you can't become a star overnight.
Data is no different. We all have to start somewhere. The good news is, if you keep working to improve, you can become more sophisticated at using data to inform and improve our work. At Idealware, we look at data sophistication as a continuum or a spectrum. Wherever you are on the spectrum, small steps and regular progress can make a big difference.
Join Idealware for a free webinar that will help you see your potential with data. They will introduce their data maturity model—the five stages for developing a successful approach to data—and help you identify where your nonprofit is currently on the data spectrum and how to move up to the next level. They will also discuss the importance of a data-driven culture and how you can nurture data champions across your organization.

Register for this free webinar to begin your data journey.

NDANO offers live in-person and online learning opportunities for nonprofits, often with partners. Members receive discounted rates on all NDANO events. All times are Central unless otherwise indicated.

Do you have a learning opportunity or event for North Dakota nonprofits to add to our calendar? Email NDANO with the details.