State Charitable Solicitation Statutes: Everything You Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask

Thursday, January 26, 2012
12:30 pm2:00 pm

This National Council shared webinar is hosted by the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations - NDANO members receive the discounted rate of $62.

Charities that seek contributions nationally must typically register in 39 states and the District of Columbia before starting to solicit. Furthermore, for-profit fundraisers are also required to register and file their contracts and other documentation with many states. Since many states are increasing their enforcement efforts to ensure that charities and fundraisers are complying with initial and annual registration requirements, it's important that charities and fundraisers abide by these statutes—especially since noncompliance can result in the imposition of significant fines and penalties. Whether you are an experienced nonprofit practitioner or you have a different area of specialization, knowing the intricacies of state charitable solicitation statutes is relevant to your practice—and your clients.

NDANO offers live in-person and online learning opportunities for nonprofits, often with partners. Members receive discounted rates on all NDANO events. All times are Central unless otherwise indicated.

Do you have a learning opportunity or event for North Dakota nonprofits to add to our calendar? Email NDANO with the details.